Conventional cameras capture image irradiance on a sensor and convert it to RGB images using an image signal processor (ISP). The images can then be used for photography or visual computing tasks in a variety of applications, such as public safety surveillance and autonomous driving. One can argue that since RAW images contain all the captured information, the conversion of RAW to RGB using an ISP is not necessary for visual computing. In this paper, we propose a novel $\rho$-Vision framework to perform high-level semantic understanding and low-level compression using RAW images without the ISP subsystem used for decades. Considering the scarcity of available RAW image datasets, we first develop an unpaired CycleR2R network based on unsupervised CycleGAN to train modular unrolled ISP and inverse ISP (invISP) models using unpaired RAW and RGB images. We can then flexibly generate simulated RAW images (simRAW) using any existing RGB image dataset and finetune different models originally trained for the RGB domain to process real-world camera RAW images. We demonstrate object detection and image compression capabilities in RAW-domain using RAW-domain YOLOv3 and RAW image compressor (RIC) on snapshots from various cameras. Quantitative results reveal that RAW-domain task inference provides better detection accuracy and compression compared to RGB-domain processing. Furthermore, the proposed \r{ho}-Vision generalizes across various camera sensors and different task-specific models. Additional advantages of the proposed $\rho$-Vision that eliminates the ISP are the potential reductions in computations and processing times.
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The modern dynamic and heterogeneous network brings differential environments with respective state transition probability to agents, which leads to the local strategy trap problem of traditional federated reinforcement learning (FRL) based network optimization algorithm. To solve this problem, we propose a novel Differentiated Federated Reinforcement Learning (DFRL), which evolves the global policy model integration and local inference with the global policy model in traditional FRL to a collaborative learning process with parallel global trends learning and differential local policy model learning. In the DFRL, the local policy learning model is adaptively updated with the global trends model and local environment and achieves better differentiated adaptation. We evaluate the outperformance of the proposal compared with the state-of-the-art FRL in a classical CartPole game with heterogeneous environments. Furthermore, we implement the proposal in the heterogeneous Space-air-ground Integrated Network (SAGIN) for the classical traffic offloading problem in network. The simulation result shows that the proposal shows better global performance and fairness than baselines in terms of throughput, delay, and packet drop rate.
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This paper proposes a hardware-efficient architecture, Linearized Convolution Network (LiCo-Net) for keyword spotting. It is optimized specifically for low-power processor units like microcontrollers. ML operators exhibit heterogeneous efficiency profiles on power-efficient hardware. Given the exact theoretical computation cost, int8 operators are more computation-effective than float operators, and linear layers are often more efficient than other layers. The proposed LiCo-Net is a dual-phase system that uses the efficient int8 linear operators at the inference phase and applies streaming convolutions at the training phase to maintain a high model capacity. The experimental results show that LiCo-Net outperforms single-value decomposition filter (SVDF) on hardware efficiency with on-par detection performance. Compared to SVDF, LiCo-Net reduces cycles by 40% on HiFi4 DSP.
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本文回顾了AIM 2022上压缩图像和视频超级分辨率的挑战。这项挑战包括两条曲目。轨道1的目标是压缩图像的超分辨率,轨迹〜2靶向压缩视频的超分辨率。在轨道1中,我们使用流行的数据集DIV2K作为培训,验证和测试集。在轨道2中,我们提出了LDV 3.0数据集,其中包含365个视频,包括LDV 2.0数据集(335个视频)和30个其他视频。在这一挑战中,有12支球队和2支球队分别提交了赛道1和赛道2的最终结果。所提出的方法和解决方案衡量了压缩图像和视频上超分辨率的最先进。提出的LDV 3.0数据集可在上找到。此挑战的首页是在。
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图像美学质量评估在过去十年中很受欢迎。除数值评估外,还提出了自然语言评估(美学字幕)来描述图像的一般美学印象。在本文中,我们提出了美学属性评估,即审美属性字幕,即评估诸如组成,照明使用和颜色布置之类的美学属性。标记美学属性的注释是一项非平凡的任务,该评论限制了相应数据集的规模。我们以半自动方式构建了一个名为DPC-CAPTIONSV2的新型数据集。知识从带有完整注释的小型数据集转移到摄影网站的大规模专业评论。 DPC-CAPTIONSV2的图像包含最多4个美学属性的注释:组成,照明,颜色和主题。然后,我们根据BUTD模型和VLPSA模型提出了一种新版本的美学多属性网络(AMANV2)。 AMANV2融合了带有完整注释的小规模PCCD数据集和带有完整注释的大规模DPCCAPTIONSV2数据集的混合物的功能。 DPCCAPTIONSV2的实验结果表明,我们的方法可以预测对4种美学属性的评论,这些评论比上一个Aman模型所产生的方法更接近美学主题。通过图像字幕的评估标准,专门设计的AMANV2模型对CNN-LSTM模型和AMAN模型更好。
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现有的步态识别方法要么直接从原始步态序列建立全局特征表示(GFR),要么从几个本地部分生成本地特征表示(LFR)。但是,随着在更深层次的网络层中,GFR倾向于忽略人类姿势的局部细节。尽管LFR允许网络专注于每个局部区域的详细姿势信息,但它忽略了不同地方部分之间的关​​系,因此仅利用了几个特定区域的有限本地信息。为了解决这些问题,我们提出了一个名为GaitGL的基于全球的步态识别网络,以生成更具歧视性的特征表示。具体来说,开发了一个新颖的全球和局部卷积层(GLCL),以充分利用每一层中的全局视觉信息和局部区域细节。 GLCL是一种双支分支结构,由GFR提取器和基于掩模的LFR提取器组成。 GFR提取器旨在提取上下文信息,例如各个身体部位之间的关系,并提出了基于掩码的LFR提取器,以利用当地区域的详细姿势变化。此外,我们引入了一种基于面膜的新型策略,以提高局部特征提取能力。具体而言,我们设计了一对互补口罩以随机遮住特征图,然后在各种封闭的特征图上训练我们的基于面具的LFR提取器。通过这种方式,LFR提取器将学会完全利用本地信息。广泛的实验表明,步态比最先进的步态识别方法更好。 CASIA-B,OU-MVLP,增长和GAIT3D的平均排名准确性分别为93.6%,98.7%,68.0%和63.8%,明显优于竞争方法。拟议的方法在两场比赛中赢得了一等奖:HID 2020和HID 2021。
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预计机器学习算法的大多数实际问题都可以通过1)未知数据分配来解决这种情况; 2)小领域特定知识; 3)注释有限的数据集。我们通过使用潜在变量(NPC-LV)的压缩提出非参数学习,这是任何数据集的学习框架,这些数据集具有丰富的未标记数据,但很少有标签的数据。通过仅以无监督的方式训练生成模型,该框架利用数据分配来构建压缩机。使用源自Kolmogorov复杂性的基于压缩机的距离度量,加上很少的标记数据,NPC-LV无需进一步的训练而进行分类。我们表明,在低数据制度中,NPC-LV在图像分类的所有三个数据集上都优于监督方法,甚至超过了CIFAR-10上的半监督学习方法。我们证明了如何以及何时使用负面证据下降(Nelbo)作为分类的近似压缩长度。通过揭示压缩率和分类精度之间的相关性,我们说明在NPC-LV下,生成模型的改进可以增强下游分类精度。
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